Top 25 Simple Interest Questions and Answers

Top 25 Simple Interest Questions and Answers

Top 25 Simple Interest Questions

What is Interest?

When you borrow money from a bank, there is an amount that you have to pay apart from the amount you borrowed. The extra money you pay is called interest. In simple word Interest is the amount paid by the borrower to the lender.

Principal: The sum lent is called principal.

Simple Interest (SI)= (PxRxT)/100


P = Principal 

R= Rate of interest per annum 

T= Time in years

  Amount (A)= P + S.I

                     = P(100+RT)/100




Top 25 Simple Interest Questions and Their Tricky Solutions

In this article we are going to post an excellent collection of Top 25 Simple Interest questions along with their tricky solutions asked in various Government examination like SSC CGL, CHSL, CPO, MTS, JE, GD Constable, Stenographer, IBPS, RRB etc. These type of questions are repeated every time so you can practice by solving it. Go through the below Top 25 Simple Interest questions and answers-

Q. (1) What is the Simple Interest on Rs.8000 for 5 years at 10% per  annum rate of interest?

(a) 1000

(b) 2000

(c) 3000

(d) 4000

Detail Solution:

Simple Interest =PTR /100

              =8000x5x10/100= Rs 4000

Hence, Option (d) is correct.

Q. (2) A sum of money Rs.32000 is lent in two parts, one at the rate of 10% and another at 12%. If the annual interest received is Rs. 3600. What is the amount lent at 12%?

(a) 20000

(b) 38000

(c) 44000

(d) 60000

Detail Solution:

Let X be the money lent at 10% . Then (32000- X) is lent at 12%

Simple Interest on both amounts is equal to Rs.3600 

=>Xx1x10/100+ (32000-X)x1x12/100= 3600

=>10X/100 + 32000x 12/100 – 12X/100= 3600

=>2P/100 = 3840-3600

=>2P= 240 x100

=>P =Rs.12000

Thus, Money lent at 12%= (32000-12000)= Rs. 20000.

Hence, Option (a) is correct.

Q. (3) In how many years a sum of Rs. 450 gives Rs. 81 as interest at  4.5% of Simple Interest ?

(a) 5

(b) 4.5

(c) 4

(d) 6

Detail Solution:

T= (100x 81/450x4.5)

  = 4 years

Hence, Option (c) is correct.

Q. (4) The difference between the interests received from two scheme on Rs.5000 for two years is Rs.25. The difference between their rates is ?

(a) 0.20%

(b) 0.25%

(c) 0.50%

(d) 1%

Detail Solution:

Let the rates be R1% per annum & R2% per annum. 

Then, (5000xR1/100x2)- (5000xR2/100x2) =25

=> 100(R1-R2) = 25

=> R1-R2 =0.25

So, The difference b/w their rates = 0.25%

Hence, Option (b) is correct.

Q. (5) What will be the interest on Rs.2400 for 8 years 4 months at 6% per annum rate of interest ?

(a) 1800

(b) 1200

(c) 2400

(d) 3000

Detail Solution:

Time=8 years 4 months = 8+4/12 years =25/3years 

As We know:

Text Box: Page-M6Simple Interest =PTR /100= 2400x25/3x6/100=Rs.1200

Hence, Option (b) is correct.

Q. (6) A certain sum of money amounts to Rs.1008 in 2 years and to Rs.1164 in 3 ½ years. What is the sum and rate of interests?

(a) 10%

(b) 11%

(c) 13%

(d) 12%

Detail Solution:

Simple Interest for (3 ½ - 2)=3/2 years = Rs. (1164-1008)=156 

Simple Interest for 2 years = Rs. (156 x 2⁄3 x 2) = Rs.208

Principal =(1008 - 208)= Rs.800

Rate = 208x100/800x2= 13%

Hence, Option (c) is correct.

Q. (7) A sum of Rs. 1550 is lent out into two parts, one at 8% and another one at 6%. If the total annual income is Rs. 106, What is the money lent at 6%?

(a) 800

(b) 900

(c) 1000

(d) 1500

Detail Solution:

Let, the sum lent at 8% be Rs.X and that at 6% be Rs.(1550 - X)

=> [(Px8x1)/100 + (1550-P)x6x1]/100=106

=> 8P + 9300 –6P=10600

=> 2P = 1300

=> P = 650.

Money lent at 8% be= Rs.650 & Money lent at 6% be=(1550 - 650)= Rs. 900.

Hence, Option (b) is correct.

Q. (8) Kamlesh borrowed some money at certain rate of SI for 3 years. If the rate had been 2% higher, He would have to pay Rs. 360 more. What was the amount?

(a) 4000

(b) 4800

(c) 7500

(d) 6000

Detail Solution:

Let, Sum= P and Rate = R.

Then, [(Px(R+2)x3)/100] [(PxRx3)/100]=360.

=> 3PR + 6P - 3PR = 36000 

=> 6P=36000 

=> P=6000

So, Sum = Rs.6000

Hence, Option (d) is correct.

Q. (9) What is the Simple Interest on Rs.8000 from 7th August 2016 to 31st December 2016 at 5% per annum rate of interest?

(a) 160

(b) 180

(c) 240

(d) 300

Detail Solution:

Number of days from 6th August to 30th December= 146 Days ( we do not count the given day)

Simple Interest =PTR /100= 8000 x(146/365)x5/100= Rs. 160

Hence, Option (a) is correct.

Q. (10) Rs. 800 amounts to Rs. 920 in 3 years. If interest rate is increased by 8%, the what will be amount?

(a) 752

(b) 886

(c) 992

(d) 1012

Detail Solution:

Simple Interest = Rs. (920 - 800) = Rs.120

P=Rs.800, T=3 year. 

R=((100x 120)/(800x3) )= 5%.

New Rate =(5 + 3)% = 8%.

New Simple Interest =(800x8x3)/100 = Rs.192. 

New amount =Rs.(800+192) = Rs. 992.

Hence, Option (c) is correct.

Q. (11) The Simple Interest on a sum of money is 4 /25th of the principal and the rate of interest is equal to the number of years. What is the rate of interest?

(a) 1

(b) 2

(c) 3

(d) 4

Detail Solution:

Simple Interest is 4 /25th of the principal

=>SI =4/25P

Rate of interest per annum is equal to number of years

=> R =T

SI =PTR /100x4/25

P =PxRxR /100x4/25

=>R2 =400/25


Hence, Option (d) is correct.

Q. (12) At what rate percent per annum will a sum of money double in 16 years?

(a) 6.25%

(b) 12.5%    

(c) 3.33%

(d) 6.66%

Detail Solution:

Let Principal = P, 

Then, Simple Interest = P and T = 16 years 

Rate = (100xP⁄Px16)%

= 25/4%

Hence, Option (d) is correct.

Q. (13) What would be the Simple Interest obtained on an amount of Rs 6535 at the rate of 10% after 6 years?

(a) 3600

(b) 3921

(c) 3950

(d) 4250

Detail Solution:

Simple Interest = PTR/100

                = 6535 x 6 x 10/100

                        = Rs. 3921

Hence, Option (b) is correct.

Q. (14) A man took a loan from a bank at the rate of 12% per annum Simple Interest . After 3 years he had to pay Rs. 5400 interest only for the period. The principal amount borrowed by him was?

(a) 14500

(b) 15000

(c) 15500

(d) 16500

Detail Solution:

Principal = Rs. (100x 5400/12x3) = Rs. 15000

Hence, Option (b) is correct.

Q. (15) What is the Simple Interest on Rs 2400 for 9 months at 4 paisa per rupee per month?

(a) 612

(b) 718

(c) 864

(d) 930

Detail Solution:

P= Rs. 2400, Time Period T = 9 months =9 /12years = ¾ year

Rate of interest =4 paisa per Rupee per month= 4% per month= 48% per annum 

Simple Interest =PTR/100= 2400x¾x48/100= Rs 864

Hence, Option (c) is correct.

Q. (16) What will be the ratio of Simple Interest earned by certain amount at the same rate of interest for 6 years and that for 9 years?

(a) 2:3

(b) 3:4

(c) 4:3

(d) None of these

Detail Solution:

Let the principal be P and rate of interest be R% 

So, Required Ratio =(PxRx6⁄100 : PxRx9⁄100)

6PR : 9PR =2:3

Hence, Option (a) is correct.

Q. (17) A sum was put at a Simple Interest at a certain rate of 4 years. Had it been put a 4% higher rate, it would have fetched Rs 720 more. What is the principal?

(a) 2000

(b) 3000

(c) 4000

(d) 6000

Detail Solution:

Let, Rate of interest be R and principal be P.

SI at R rate of interest=>Simple Interest = P x 4 x(R+4)/25 

If the rate of interest is 4% more, then SI= P x 4 x(R+4) /25

The difference b/w these two Simple Interest s is Rs.720 

P x 4 x(R+4) /25 - P x 4 x(R+4)/25= 720

P x 4 x4 /25= 960

So, P= Rs 6000

Hence, Option (d) is correct.

Q. (18) The Simple Interest on a sum of money is 4/9 of the principal. What is the rate percent and time, if both are numerically equal?

(a) 6 Years 1 month

(b) 6 Years 5 month

(c) 6 Years 7 month

(d) 6 Years 8 month

Detail Solution:

Let, Sum = Rs. P

Then, Simple Interest = Rs. 4P/9 

Let, Rate = R% and time = R years.

Then, (PxRxR)/100=4P/9 or R2 =400/9

=> R = 20/3 = 6 2/3.

=> Rate = 20/3% and Time=20/3 years = 6 years 8 months

Hence, Option (d) is correct.

Q. (19) What annual installment will discharge a debt of Rs. 1092 due in 3 years at 12% Simple Interest ?

(a) 325    

(b) 375

(c) 425

(d) 500

Detail Solution:

Let, each Installment be Rs. I

Then, [ I+ {(Ix12x1)/100}] + [I+ {(Ix12x2)/100} ] + I = 1092

=>[((28I/25) + (31I/25) + I] = 1092


=> I= (1092x25)/84 = Rs.325.

Each installment = Rs. 325

Hence, Option (a) is correct.

Q. (20) Find the amount which yields Simple Interest of Rs. 4016.25 at the rate of 9% per annum in 5 years.

(a) 8150   

(b) 8500

(c) 8925

(d) 9250

Detail Solution:

We have P=(100xI)/(RxT)

Principal = (100x 4016.25)⁄(9 x 5)=(401625/45)= 8925

Hence, Option (c) is correct.

Q. (21) At what rate of interest per annum, will Rs 5500 be obtained as Simple Interest on Rs 25000 for 2 years 9 months?

(a) 9%  

(b) 8%

(c) 12%

(d) 15%

Detail Solution:

Given that, P= Rs. 25000 and

Time = 2 years 9 months= 29/12=11/4years

Simple Interest =PTR /100

⇒5500= 25000 x11/4xR /100    

R = 8 %

Hence, Option (b) is correct.

Q. (22) A sum of money becomes 4 times in 9 years at Simple InterestIn how many years will it become 8 times of itself at the same rate?

(a) 12  

(b) 18

(c) 30

(d) 21

Detail Solution:

Let, Sum = P,  Then, Amount= 4P

Simple Interest= 4P-P=3P

To get Simple Interest 3P, it takes 9 years.

To get Simple Interest P, it takes 9/3= 3 years 

Now it has to become 8 times

The Simple Interest to be obtained is 7P 

To get Simple Interest P, it takes 3 years

Similarly,  To get 7P as Simple Interest , it takes 7x3 = 21 years


(x-1)/t1= (y-1)t2

Where, x= nth term, t1 & t2 = time period

(4-1)x9 = (8-1)xt2

3/9 = 7/t2=>t2 = 21 years

Hence, Option (d) is correct.

Q. (23) A sum was put at Simple Interest at a certain rate for 3 years. Had it been put at 2% higher rate, it would have fetched Rs. 360 more. What is the sum?

(a) 4000

(b) 5000

(c) 6000

(d) 7000

Detail Solution:

Let, Sum be = P and Rate = R

Then, [Px(R+2)x3⁄100) - (PxRx3⁄100)]=360

3PR + 6P - 3PR =36000



Hence, Option (c) is correct.

Sum = 100xMore/RatexTime = 100x360/2x3
Sum = 6000

Q. (24) A certain amount earns Simple Interest of Rs. 1750 after 7 years. Had the interest been 2 % more, how much more interest would it have earned?

(a) 120

(b) 240

(c) 360

(d) Data inadequate

Detail Solution:

We have to know the Simple Interest, principal and time to What is the rate. Since the principal is not given, so the data is inadequate.

Hence, Option (d) is correct.

Q. (25) Divide Rs. 2379 into 3 parts so that their amounts after 2,3 and 4 years respectively may be equal, the rate of interest being 5% per annum at Simple Interest . The first part is?

(a) 759

(b) 792

(c) 818

(d) 828

Detail Solution:

Let the parts be a, b and [2379 - (a + b)]

a + (a x 25⁄100) = b + (b x 35⁄100) = c + (c x 45⁄100)

11a⁄10 = 23b⁄20 = 6c⁄5 = k 

a = 10k⁄11

b = 20k⁄23 

c = 5k⁄6

But, a + b + c = 2379

10k⁄11 + 20k⁄23 + 5k⁄6 = 2379

1380k + 1320k + 1265k = 2379 x 11 x 23 x 6

k = 2379 x 11 x 23 x 6⁄3965= 3 x 11 x 23 x 6⁄5

a = 828

Hence, Option (d) is correct.

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